Saturday, December 26, 2020

Don’t Let Us Get Sick

ZANESVILLE, OHIO - We departed Christmas night on this journey into the waning days of this wretched year. 5:44 pm to be precise. Jeff kept finding one more project, one more essential item to pack, until long after the sun set and I, exasperated, reminded myself that one does not start a fight with someone right before beginning a 5500- mile journey together.  

We have just purchased a Mercedes Sprinter work van, which Jeff begun converting into a mini-RV, which we are now driving across the country to visit my younger son Mike, who I haven’t seen in more than a year. We have decided flying is not an option, because , if you are reading this in 2020, and not in some distant far-flung future, you well know why. Governors across the United States have asked travelers to stay home this holiday season. The plan is to social distance as we drive. No differerent than if we were at home - which we have dutifully done since March. We will consume drive-thru junk on the way out to California. Pee alongside the road as much as possible to limit exposure. (Fuck it. I don’t care who sees me.) Camp food on the return. Sleeping in the van along the way. During our stay with my son and his fiancé Delilah, take out only, which we will eat by the pool at the Airbnb we are renting. See? All perfectly responsible and safe. We hope. We’d be assholes otherwise. Hospitals are overflowing Covid patients. We do not want to add to anyone’s burden. Warren Zevon just came up on the random shuffle. 
Don't let us get sick
Don't let us get old
Don't let us get stupid, all right?
Just make us be brave
And make us play nice
And let us be together tonight

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine a practical application for starting a fight at 5:44 p.m. as you're about to embark on a 5,000-mile trip. For one, your husband would be full of blood-boiling rage, silent recriminations bouncing around his brain, and therefore he would be less likely to get scheepy'scheepy so soon.
